Mayan Calendar: The ancient Mayan calendar states that the world will end in December 21, 2012. The Mayan civilization flourished in Central America from the 6 A.D. to 9 A.D. They were obsessed with time-keeping, and in fact, their calender were so incredibly precise that its interlocking time scales of lunar, solar, and planetary cycles could accurately predict solar/lunar eclipses thousands of years into the future. This accurate calendar however mysteriously ends on December 21, 2012!

It states that on December 21, 2012, the sun rises on the dark rift of the center of the milky way which is referred to as a black hole. In the last five years, the western astronomers have in fact discovered that there is in fact an enormous black hole at the center of our milky way galaxy. The contemporary astronomers concur with the Mayans. On 21st of December, 2012, the Earth will be in exact alignment with the Sun and the center of our milky way galaxy, a galactic event which takes place only once every 25,800 years! No one knows what effect this extraordinary alignment will have on our planet, but the Mayans believe it would be terrible!
The Polar Shift Theory: Geophysicists have a theory that is strikingly similar to the events predicted by the Mayan alignment. The phenomenon is called the “polar shift,” in which the entire mantle of the earth would shift in a matter of days or perhaps hours during such galactic events, causing positions of the north and south pole to change, further causing worldwide disaster, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters.

Accordingly, several eclectic authors claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012!
Even the book “The Orion Prophecy” claims that the Earth’s magnetic field will reverse, which further supports the Polar Shift Theory besides the prediction of Merlin that also suggests a polar shift. NASA predicts that during 2012, as the Sun reaches the end of the current 11-year sunspot cycle, it will reverse its own magnetic poles, which may further amplify the effects of magnetic field on earth as harmful charged particles blast away from the sun (also known as solar storming).

Planet Eris or Planet X or NibiruPlanet Eris/”Nibiru” or Planet-X and the Global warming: This theory suggests that the real cause of climate changes, volcanic activities, and intensification of the seismic activity etc. is the planet Eris’s getting closer to our solar system once in 3600 years, named as 2003-UB-313, which ultimately results in the melting of the glaciers! This Planet Eris or so called “Nibiru” was first observed in October 21, 2003, using 1.22 m Oschin telescope at Mount Palomar Observatory (California). It is said to have passed between Mars and Jupiter some 7200 years ago, which most probably had triggered the cataclysm “Noah’s flood” and again this will be at the close proximity to Earth between 2010 and 2012, which can cause massive melting of the glaciers, causing huge tidal waves and ultimately, the return of the Noah’s flood!
I Ching: Another sets of factors backing up this December 21, 2012 Doomsday is the I Ching prophecy. Despite the views of skeptics, the 5000 years old I Ching has become an oracle of the doomsday. The highs and lows of the I Ching graphs seems to have accurately corresponded to the fall of the roman empire, discover of the new world, and world wars of the 20th century, and the strangest things of all was, the time line came to an end to the exact specific date, December 21, 2012! Is it a coincidence that both prophecies of I Ching and Mayan Calendar came to the same exact date and time? In fact, many world’s religions and most famous prophets reference that something cataclysmic will happen around December 21, 2012. The medieval predictions of Merlin, The Book of Revelation, and the well-known Chinese Oracle of the “I Ching” all point to this specific date as the end of civilization.
The Bible Code & Nostradamus Prophesies: According to the certain algorithms of Bible code, a meteor,asteroid, or comet will soon collide with the Earth.

Everybody knows the Nostradamus prophesies, that have very accurately predicting many world leaders rising to power and major events in the past. His prophesies were accurate in predicting the demise of the World Trade Centers in 2001 as well.
Even the book “The Nostradamus Code” further speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by some kind of a “comet” and those studying the Prophecies of Nostradamus states that he might have further indicated the possibility of a “Third World War” where nuclear wars can create “comet-like” mass destructions everywhere.
So are we going to have a Third World War? At the current scenario, it seems we might have - proving the Nostradamus Prophesies.
Even the high-tech oracles which is not even human, i.e., “Web-Bots” are predicting the end of the world as December 21, 2012, besides the Mayan, I Ching, Merlin, Book Of Revelation, etc. Is it just a coincidence or a meaningless pattern of random events?
Over the past two years or so I have looked into much of the material supporting the idea of something big and possibly bad in December 2012. I have not yet seen anything that is genuine with the exception of the ending of one of the long count Mayan calendars. And that means nothing, it's astrology at best and it's doubtful that the Mayans predicted anything.
Example - one YouTube clip gets an archaelogist's name wrong, implies that Ashurbanipal's library was 6000 years old and Sumerian, though it was less than 2700 years old and Assyrian and then attributes the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter to the influence of Pluto. All that within the first 104 seconds. This is the quality of the evidence, misrepresentation of easily checked facts and straight out fraud.
Any mention of Nostradamus or Revelation is a joke. I recall the end that didn't happen in 2000. I also recall the Bible codes (shown to be fakes within weeks of the first book appearing) predicting nuclear war for 1997. I recall the fact that planet X did not appear in 2003. I recall that Edgar Cayce predicted that part of California would have slipped below sea level by now.
Web bots? Garbage in, garbage out, like all software. Planetary alignments? Not going to happen. Same with galactic ones, they almost happen twice a year anyway. Solar maxima happen about every 11 years and the Sun's magnetic field jumps about then. Invading planets? Nibiru isn't due for another 1000 years if it exists, which it emphatically does not. Asteroid hits? Unpredictable, but none of the known ones are coming close that year.
Conclusion? All garbage.
can any one surive the end of the world. Is there an area on earth where it won't be affected.
r u kiddin!!!!!????? do u thik is der ne place on dis planet earth dat would nt effected from dis disaster.... i think ur kiddin .. buddy end means end....! so prepare ur slf.!!!
Yeah Dean I heard only the place where u reside isn't forecasted to be affected....:)
Dig further and you will find the tablet which is the continuation of the Mayan calendar. May be the tablet was not that big enough for the engravers to engrave the whole thing.
Nostradamus was not always right. Some predictions never happened.
Why not just live a "holy life" as God says and be ready every day. This world will end ONE DAY as we all know it and it shoulden't matter if it ends in 2012 or any other year AS LONG AS YOU ARE RIGHT WITH GOD!! No one will know the day or the hour and I don't believe God changes His mind, He is the Almighty, the Alpha and Omega, he knows all things. He is perfect and would never have to "change His mind".
Amer says: it would nt be possible to believe on Mayans as well the third war about ?it is just about predication , i do believe on quran and quran say some thing different about Mayans ? don't be negative , just be positive and think once again of it ? is it true ? ask your self it will reply you truly , all i can say heart never lies !
I don't think the earths ending is 2012 Only GOD KNOWS THE DAY NOT JESUS OR THE PEOPLE dont beleave in 2012
if 2012 is fake, which it can and may be. please explain the ufo sitings coming about in 2010? is this all made up?! maybe we should just make peace with someone or ourselves. when it does all go down, it may only include u, me or everyone. thats whats great about life. unpredictable. mayans, god, no being can or will ever know. believe in your self. ftw
nothing destroyed the earth last time this alinement happened da.
don"t forget god will only let the black hole take the evil relax sitback and enjoy the fireworks.
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